How Facebook Is Missing Out on Billions of Dollars

How Facebook Is Missing Out on Billions of Dollars

Facebook is rich, but it could be richer. One important stakeholder that most social networks seem to forget about, is the marketing consultant/ad agency, which is ironic considering we are the ones forking over the cash. Many people gripe about Facebook advertising...
T-Mobile CEO Schools Other CEOs in Social Media

T-Mobile CEO Schools Other CEOs in Social Media

If you follow tech news sources at all, then you probably heard of the stunt that T-Mobile CEO John Legere pulled at CES this week. If not, here’s a brief synopsis: he crashed an AT&T party because he thought it would be funny and got kicked out by security....

5 Things to Like About the New Facebook Page Insights

Yesterday Facebook released the new version of Page Insights for brands. The new version is clean and useful, and I think it’s a huge improvement. It’s been reorganized both aesthetically and structurally. Here’s why you should head over to your page now to check it...

5 Common Website Content Mistakes

As a content strategist, I like to think I’m beautifying the online world, one website at a time. Here is just one example of the mistakes I see brands making every day: 1. Your brand is missing. You aren’t telling your brand story unless you are telling your...